The Great Commission: My Life Message

This is another old treasure I dug up in my Google Keep – and I thought I’d share. Please consider what I’m saying, and be blessed!

Go read Matthew 28: 19-20. In the NIRV, KJV, and many other versions, it says for us (everyone) to go: not married people, not adults, not youth, not good-looking, not popular, not ordained people, not prophets, not apostles, not pastors, not famous, and not the most spiritual.

This command is for ALL of us.

There are no prejudices in the Kingdom of God. There are no age limits in the Kingdom of God. There is no discrimination in the Kingdom of God. There are no favorites in the Kingdom of God.

There is a command, not a suggestion, straight from the lips of Jesus. This command is for all. We must follow it, not as a suggestion, good idea, or otherwise. It is a command directed toward everyone, not some. Let’s spread the Gospel as one team, as one voice, and as one body.

Then we must wake the Bride up! This is our job. Time is running out while we are complacently waiting for the preacher to say something that matters that would wake the Bride up.

We are all preachers that are commanded, commissioned, and ordained by Jesus! Jesus told us to preach the Gospel, not be perfect tithe-giving, knee-slapping, Hebrew-speaking, Amen-talking pew-warmers.

I once heard Torben Søndergaard say the Great Commission is like him saying to his daughters, “Go clean your room.”

If they went to their room for 30 minutes and then came back saying, “We memorized your command, Daddy,” he would not be pleased. He would tell them to go straight back to their room and clean it.

If they went back to their room and came back saying, “We listed ten ways to clean our room,” he would still not be pleased. He would again tell them to go back to their room.

If they came back again saying, “We have raised enough money to support the hiring of a maid, Daddy,” he would be displeased yet again.

If they came a fourth time saying they had memorized his command in Greek and Hebrew, he would not be any more pleased than before.

But yet we as the Bride are no better than this supposed scenario of Torben’s daughters.

We love you, but God loves you more. Have a blessed day! (And week! (And month!) (And year!) (And life!)

12 thoughts on “The Great Commission: My Life Message

  1. Reblogged this on Elle's Everyday and commented:

    Here’s an awesome blog of mine that I found from five months ago… Please read it and take it to heart. There is freedom for you from the same old bondage that has tormented you all along. Hallelujah, Jesus paid for our freedom! We should be so thrilled about that fact we just can’t help but share it. Please share this post!

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Yes, it was on mine. I reblog my own posts when I like them a lot and they get too far down in my archives for the average person to read them. One of my strange habits, I suppose 😉 I’m glad you enjoyed it! Have a great day 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

              1. Rachel Dyck

                I just read your About page and saw that you are thirteen. You are the same age as me!! (That excites me, I don`t know many Christian home schooled girls who are my age.) There are not too many girls your age who are so on fire for God. Keep it up!!! It was very encouraging for me to find your blog. BTW I am friends with Ezekiel and Tareah, that`s how I found your blog.

                Liked by 1 person

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