Overcoming Fears

Y’all check this post out. I couldn’t agree more, as Lee addresses something I’ve dealt with, and I pray this touches you as it has me.

Lee Ammerman

Fear has a funny way of lying to you. Fear tells you that “it’s always going to be this way” or, “the worst will happen.” Your own fears are always more real to you than the ones someone else struggles with. So, is there a way out of fear, or is it something you’ll always struggle with?

My own struggle

I recently battled with fear myself. I was afraid of falling into pride. I don’t like what pride does to people. It’s actually very silly when you think about it. Especially when it comes to Supernatural Ministry. If we know anything, we know that God is the one who heals, speaks, delivers, and saves. So thinking that I had some strength in myself to accomplish that would be really laughable. However, fear whispered to me, “you see, that’s why you’re excited about speaking in front of people…

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