Pray for Nicaragua

As I blogged about in my last post, there were protests we were caught in in Nicaragua due to civil unrest, which is why we had to run for the hills that day I blogged about. Though it seemed, at that time, that we had gotten out of the country around the time the situation was calming down, it has gotten much, much worse.

As some of you know, we have many dear friends in Nicaragua after having visited the country six times and having lived there with the people, eating what they eat, traveling how they travel, and even sleeping on a tile floor for five weeks. We love these people dearly, and some of them are more like family than friends. (Which, of course, makes sense–they’re our family in Christ)

I love these people so much, and it hurts me to know they are in such danger. When we were caught in these protests, we were with a local family, who said they’ve never had anything of that type happen before. Matagalpa is a very peaceful city, and, though I was expecting it, it almost surprised me that we were actually in danger.

Recently I have seen many pictures of Matagalpa with protests exploding all over town, even on the street we take up to our house there. Our section of town is no longer as peacefully and wonderfully safe as it was. I praise the Lord that we are not there in one way, but in another way, I almost want to be there just to see our dear friends, offer them a safe place to get away to on our side of town (which is on the opposite side of Matagalpa from most of our friends), and make sure they’re safe.

While such isn’t realistic, and we have other callings awaiting us in other locations until the Lord brings us back to Nicaragua, I nonetheless want to be in prayer for the people of Nicaragua, especially our friends. Safety, peace, strength, and endurance are vital for the people of Nicaragua now. Wisdom is imperative for Christians. I am personally praying for a revival to break out as a result of these protests.

Please join us in prayer. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support for our ministry!

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