Sunshine Blogger Award!

You saw correctly–I just had the privilege of being nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award! I’m so honored, and I pray this award (the first blogging award I’ve ever been nominated for) does nothing for my glory, but, rather, glorifies God, and highlights some amazing Jesus-focused bloggers I enjoy reading.

(Y’all feel free to skim the post…it’s a long, wordy one)

the sunshine blogger award.jpeg

First of all, I’d like to thank Mr. Ward Pimley for nominating this blog (specifically my post titled The Role of a Christian Female) for its first award!

Okay, so here’s the rules so y’all can follow along and understand what’s going on a little better.
The Rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to him or her.
  • Answer the 11 questions provided by the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 questions of your own.
  • Notify the nominees by commenting on one of their blog posts.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post.

My Nominations

This is an exciting moment!! I’m super pumped about this–I get to notify people that they’re nominated and read their great nomination posts and y’all get to meet some really cool bloggers that I enjoy, and in turn, go find more Christian edification and fellowship.

Sidenote: I do plan to do this in a slightly different way: nominating, in particular, one of my favorite posts of the nominee. The link I give to the site will go directly to this post.

Okay, without further ado, here goes (in no particular order, of course):

  • Lee Ammerman‘s blog is one of my favorites to read. It builds my faith, convicts me, and it brings truth, even when the truth isn’t a comfortable thing. Lee writes humbly, but with conviction and clarity. This particular post, No Fear in Love, is one of my favorites of his (and one that speaks directly to me and convicts me) and one I want to share with you all. Anyways, y’all go figure out the other great things about this blog–I highly recommend it.
  • Michael Israel at Jesus Our Peace — Jesús Nuestra Paz is so refreshingly simple…in fact, Michael’s posts usually consist solely of Scripture. While in some blogs I get overwhelmed with words, Michael’s blog is primarily Scripture (most of the time without so much as commentary), which is so timely and applicable. Not to mention it gives me an excuse to read Spanish 😀
  • Some of y’all know that I have unofficially adopted some folks as my brothers and sisters. Well, Mikayla at Acts , , , is my “big sissy”. She just started this blog with a quite creative name (the domain might give a clue) and I’m excited for her and excited to help her start out on this journey. I hope you enjoy!
  • Ezekiel Thiessen at The Way, the Truth, and the Life is one of my Canadian friends whom I met when his family of ten visited ours through a hospitality network in September 2017–in fact, y’all may remember when I blogged about his family’s visit. Anyways, we have since become friends and I wanted to highlight his page on the Gospel. It definitely shows the need for repentance in the Bride, which is one thing most churches and pastors leave out of sermons, and yet it makes up so much of the Gospel. Well, here I go ranting now 😉
  • The Delightful Dueters, written (and sung) by missionaries and sisters Rosy and Gracie Marr, is a greatly refreshing site to go to. They have beautiful voices and sing some amazing, peaceful music (some of which I’ve never heard but I really like). The two are teenagers, and definitely worth checking out for any youth, singer, or even if you just need a peaceful music break. This particular song is beautiful. Go check it out 🙂
  • cheerfulchitchats is a great site to go visit. The writer bubbles over with enthusiasm and joy, and I especially love this post. Such a true word–we need to continue emitting that beautiful aroma that brings people to Christ, even when we’re hated for it. I also enjoy her vlogs, which you can find on her site. Anyways, y’all check it out!

Ward’s Questions and My Answers:

What is your “Life Verse” or favorite verse and why?

Ooh, good one! My favorite is Acts 20:24. It has really touched me and spurred me on toward the mark, so that I don’t become fearful or intimidated by the calling God has given me. It is just fine if I die–I will be home. For that reason, I am not scared of being persecuted or even killed (though sometimes it seems I’m more intimidated of just stepping out of my box than I am being killed). Oh, how did this turn into a #vulnerablemoment?!

But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.

Sidenote: this verse being on my blog header has its ups and downs–I once had a friend, who could only see the first half of the verse on a phone, think I was suicidal :/ 😉

Describe briefly a moment of Grace in your life.

Haha–briefly 😀

Well, there was the time when I was stupid and walked alone on a dark street in a dangerous city in Nicaragua with two gringos younger than me. And God definitely saved my life. I would for sure define that as grace (on my dad’s part as well–he saved me from a whupping by forgiving me).

On a more serious note, I would consider when I was sick over last winter for a long time a time of grace. I was slightly depressed during this time from the desperation of feeling bad–I’m used to feeling good–and the enemy used that against me. I was weak, lethargic, and just overall in bad shape. God gave me immense grace during that time to make it through the other side.

What is your favorite gift and why?

One of my favorite gifts (apart from salvation 🙂 ) is to see a friend I haven’t seen in a long time, especially a like-minded one. Another would be when a kid takes a liking to me–that always makes my heart leap. And, of course, to build relationships and meet like-minded people. And lastly is when God gives me the answers to my prayers, especially when it is for a friend’s relationship with Him. I’ve seen lives changed through prayer, and it really is my favorite gift (along with seeing a soul saved!).

Oh, one (or two) more. I also enjoy for someone to take time out of their day and teach me what they know about one of my subjects of interest. And for someone to take time out of their day for me to talk to them about the places I’ve gone and things I’ve seen.

Long story short, I love being with people. They, in various forms, are probably my favorite gift.

Favorite Christian song lyrics?

Okay, I’m going to have to list multiple answers, like most of these. One of my favorite lyrics is from Faithful by Ryan Stevenson.

Lord, You don’t need to find me on the stage
Just find me faithful

Definitely really applicable in my life. The next one is from Sons and Daughters by NorthPoint InsideOut.

We are the sons we are the daughters of God
No matter where we go we are close to the Father’s heart

This is also really applicable in my life–we go lots of places!

Christian book that you would recommend

Okay, I might actually have a quick and single answer for this one: A Nickel’s Worth of Hope by André Vandenberg.

It reads like fascinating fiction while actually being a true story. I literally forgot I was even reading nonfiction several times as I tracked the author’s perilous journey from Holland to South Africa during the first part of the book, and his journey from death to Life during the second part of the book. He ended his life serving people and telling them about Jesus. His life is inspiring, and his book is not quite well-known enough.

Describe your intended blog reader.

Ooh, this is a really good question! I legit don’t think I’ve ever been asked this. I would say that my intended blog reader changes, depending on what kind of post I’m blogging. But, just in general, my intended blog reader is someone, believing or unbelieving, that is seeking God; wanting to know more about Him and know Him more. I pray that my site is consistent with my intended reader base 🙂

Favorite book of the Bible and why? (okay to list two!)

I would say Acts is my number one favorite, mostly because it shows the amazingness of when we as believers are baptized in the Holy Spirit, and also because it shows the greatness of what happens after the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It’s a powerful, dynamic journey, and I love how Acts describes it.

And things that are weird to talk about or rare and exciting for us now–like oppression and possession of demons, the infilling of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, prophecy, healing, etc.–are sooo…almost expected in Acts. Acts reminds me that the supernatural is not commonplace, but it is to be a natural part of our lives. Not to mention how there’s such a smooth transition from being filled to going out–part of all of our callings!

What city or town is your favorite “go to” place and why?

This one is haaaaaaaaard. Really, really hard. I really enjoy going to Matagalpa, Nicaragua. It’s physically stressing to walk all over town and deal with heat and different food and language and stuff, but when I’m in good health, I enjoy the challenge and I get to missing the people very, very, very much. San Sebastian de Yali, Nicaragua is probably the prettiest place in Nicaragua I’ve ever seen, and I really like it there. Though it is pretty primitive, so not terribly “relaxing”. I also enjoy Hot Springs, South Dakota. It’s really peaceful and relaxing there, and it’s not too far to pretty mountains. Oh, and it’s legal for me to drive there (more about that in a later post if I ever get around to it).

What would you like to change about your life?

Here comes another #vulnerablemoment 😉 My answer to this is fairly quick: I want to be less ashamed of what I know to be true, and I want my prayer and evangelism to take on a more out-in-public role.

Unmet desire or goal?

That one I can answer pretty quick, too. I have a few, but one of the main ones is to learn Chinese. It’s one of those things I really want to do and I’m almost sure I will at some point in my life, so that definitely counts as an unmet desire/goal. And I want to go to the places God has for me, which I’m super excited about.

Share an interesting fact about your life.

What to choose?? 😀 I live a unique life that is super different than the “average” one, so most of the facts about my life are interesting to most people. I am an only child, for starters. My parents don’t have paying jobs, and I don’t go to a brick-and-mortar school. We travel a lot, and telling people about Jesus is our family career. But that’s…my life. 😀
My Questions

Sooo, here’s my questions for my nominees! Also, if you’re not a nominee, please, please, please answer these questions in the comments. I’m super excited to see answers to these questions, both in nominees’ posts and in the comments!!

  1. What would you consider to be a turning point or climax in your life? Why?
  2. Do you feel called to a particular place or people group? If so, who or where? (more than one is just fine)
  3. What is one spiritual lesson you have learned recently? How did you learn it?
  4. What is(are) your favorite type(s) of ministry and why?
  5. What kind of ministry makes you uncomfortable? Why?
  6. What is your favorite attribute of Jesus and why?
  7. What is your purpose in life? What do you hope people see in your life?
  8. What’s your favorite Bible verse(s)? Any reason why you chose that?
  9. What is the quality you look for in a friend the most? Do you feel like people see that in you? In who and how do you see that quality the most?
  10. List a Christian resource or two (or three) that has touched you. (can be a book, movie, song, blog, YouTube channel, etc.) How did it touch you?
  11. Who is your intended blog reader and what is your blog’s purpose?

And, because I’m on a roll here, here’s some bonus questions you shouldn’t feel pressured to answer, even if I nominated you. These are for fun, and you may answer them if you like in your nomination post if you’re a nominee or in the comments if you’re a reader, or you can completely leave them off.

  1. Where would you go for mission work if finances wasn’t an issue?
  2. What kind of transportation would you choose to get there, provided time, money, and realism weren’t factors?
  3. What kind of people would you minister to once you got there?

I’m tempted to answer my own questions, but I’ll wait for pressure from y’all to do so 😉

There we are! It’s taken me waaaaaayyyyy too long to get this post out, but I’m super happy that I finally did! I hope you all enjoyed and will get involved in this post by either checking out the nominees, commenting with your answers to my questions, or some other way. I’m so grateful to y’all and look forward to all that will come from this post.

Blessings, everyone!

21 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award!

    1. For sure! It’s basically just a way for bloggers to recognize other sites as being edifying, Christ-centered blogs and get the word out about their blogs. It can also serve to connect people and help readers get to know the blogger better. I hope that helps!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s wonderful. I so appreciate your kind words and taking the time to write this and nominate me. I don’t think I’ll be writing an blog about this, for many reasons. Life is happening! Haha but I still appreciate it and honor you for the woman of God that you are. Be blessed Elle.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely, big sissy! No worries, I like to go search WordPress for folks that blog about Jesus. A good way to make connections! It’s ok even if you just do a couple. Looking forward to it!


  1. Elle — Since I was nominated, I have developed correspondence with several bloggers and now follow their blogs. I’ve used the opportunity to encourage other bloggers in their work. You’ll often find bloggers expressing their discouragement, so occasional encouragement is appreciated! You have nominated some interesting blog sites, and I want to check those out. I encourage you to continue in blogging — one blogger calls it her “desktop ministry.” (I previously wrote another Reply but don’t see it now.) Blessings to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Rachel Dyck

    Okay, Elle, I am finally going to do this! Soo…
    1. What would you consider to be a turning point or climax in your life? Why?
    Hmmm. I don’t think that my journey back to the Lord was one big turning point. It was several smaller ones. One of the more memorable ones was when I learned to pray to God as my Lord instead of praying to Him as a means to an end. I was praying and suddenly I realized what my heart was towards God. I burst into tears. And then I started praying to Him as my Lord. My life has never been the same since.
    2. Do you feel called to a particular place or people group? If so, who or where? (more than one is just fine)
    Why, yes. I feel called to minister to deaf people. I’m thinking I may get a job working with them after I graduate, Lord willing of course. I really like sign language. I feel called to other people groups as well but that is the most prominent and I do not have a lot of time.
    3. What is one spiritual lesson you have learned recently? How did you learn it?
    I learned that I must be concerned about the sin in my own life before I am concerned about sin in other people’s lives. I learned as I learn most lessons – by God speaking to my heart.
    4. What is(are) your favorite type(s) of ministry and why?
    I really enjoy evangelism/discipleship. I find it really exciting to be encouraging and teaching young ladies/girls about God and what he can do in their lives. I am interested in speaking at a girl’s camp someday. I believe God is leading me to be a counselor at Bible camp next year. I am excited for that.
    5. What kind of ministry makes you uncomfortable? Why?
    I find street evangelism a bit weird. I guess just because I don’t know the people I am talking to at all, and a lot of people you talk to when do that kind of work have some really strange views, sometimes so strange you have no idea what to say. I had an opportunity to do that this past summer and well… one guy said that God had “called him into the void” and another guy seemed to be a cross between a Buddhist and an Agnostic. Another lady seemed to think the sun was God.
    6. What is your favorite attribute of Jesus and why?
    I love everything about Jesus, but one I have been thinking on a lot lately is the gentleness of Jesus. He came quietly, other than the singing of the angels that only a few shepherds heard, with little pomp and grandeur, born into a poor family, and learning the trade of a carpenter as a boy, likely. His objective through his ministry obviously was not to convince people that He was the greatest person ever (even though He was) but His objective was to tell those who were willing to listen how they could be saved. And He though He did not go waltzing to the cross, He did not go kicking and screaming for He had the power to leave the cross at any time He liked. His life was not taken from Him – He gave it up. Willingly. So that we could be free. If that isn’t that perfect example of gentleness, of longsuffering – what is?
    7. What is your purpose in life? What do you hope people see in your life?
    My purpose in life is to know Jesus and to make Him known. Through his power, I want to teach people how to live for Him. I want to go wherever God leads me and do whatever He tells me. My friend once said that when a light is shining in a lamp, eventually the light gets so bright you can’t even see the lamp anymore, all you can see is the light. Likewise, I want Jesus to shine in me so bright that some day, when people look at me, they won’t even be able to see me anymore – all they will be able to see will be JESUS IN ME! That is my purpose.
    8. What’s your favorite Bible verse(s)? Any reason why you chose that?
    SERIOUSLY??!! Just one or two? Okay, I’ll just pick a random one. I really like 2 Corinthians 4:7: But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.
    I tried writing a comment about this one but I failed twice. I’ll just let the verse speak for itself.
    9. What is the quality you look for in a friend the most? Do you feel like people see that in you? In who and how do you see that quality the most?
    The quality I look for in a friend the most… Well, of course in a close friend I look for someone who is very close to Jesus and who can pray with me or give me advice and encourage me. And I also really appreciate it when a friend randomly texts me or something and asks how I am doing, because it means they think about me once in awhile even when I am not with them. I can’t get excited about a friendship in which I am always the one initiating conversations and in which it seems as if the other person only answers to be polite. I guess summing that up in one or two words would be thoughtfulness, and loyalty. Elle does this to me and I love it. 🙂
    10. List a Christian resource or two (or three) that has touched you. (can be a book, movie, song, blog, etc.) How did it touch you?
    Well well well! Actually the blog I am on right now as I write this is one of the ones which was very influential towards my walk with Christ. I had thought I was close to the Lord, but when I saw Elle’s blog and how close she obviously is to God and how much she loves Him and is zealous for Him, I thought, “Hmmm. I don’t think that I’m very close to God!” THANKS Elle for allowing God to work through you and through your blog!
    Also Girl Defined, a YouTube channel, was very influential for me as well. All about how to be a courageous girl/woman of God. If you haven’t checked it out before I recommend you do.
    11. Who is your intended blog reader and what is your blog’s purpose?
    I guess anybody who can read. Haha! My blog is kind of a more private one for my friends and family and I don’t post too often. But my blog’s purpose is the same as my life’s purpose, which you can read waaaay up there^^^^
    Wow, I’m finally done! Those were great questions Elle. Thanks for that. Happy 2019, hermana! God bless!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey, thanks for doing this!
      1) That is definitely true for myself as well: my journey happened in steps and is still happening. And that’s a really encouraging testimony!
      2) That’s awesome!
      3) Ooh, that’s a tough word–let’s pull the rod out of our eyes!
      4) I’m excited for that, too!
      5) Our take on street evangelism, which is just walking up to folks in everyday life whenever the Lord leads and praying for them/telling them about Jesus, tends to make me a bit uncomfortable as well, though I am getting better about that 🙂 . He’s always perfecting us!
      6) Amen, great points!
      7) Love the lamp analogy!!
      8) Sorrryyy XD. That’s a great one–I was just listening to a song about that.
      9) Aww that’s sweet! I also feel really special when a friend writes me out of the blue to just check up on me.
      10) That’s so awesome!!! Thank you for the encouragement 🙂 And I’ll be sure to check out Girl Defined.
      11) Haha! Yup, that serves as a good blog purpose too 🙂

      Thanks for answering the questions! Mucho amor, hermana 😀 God bless!


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